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Edmonton police arrest 6, issue warrant in relation to extortions targeting South Asian businesses

Edmonton police have arrested and charged six more people in connection with a rash of extortions targeting the South Asian community.

Police have also issued Canada-wide warrants for a 34-year-old man they believe is the leader of the criminal organization responsible for the extortions.

The Edmonton Police Service provided an update Friday on Project Gaslight — a probe into incidents targeting business owners in Edmonton, alleged to have been carried out by a group of local suspects directed from India.

Forty incidents have now been identified in connection to the scheme, including an apartment arson in the Cavanagh neighbourhood in southwest Edmonton early Friday.

Police Chief Dale McFee said those responsible will be held accountable.

“Because it’s not just the individuals or the people that are affected by a fire or an extortion, but it scares the whole community because you just don’t know where they are,” McFee told a news conference. 

“It’s time for that to stop. And I think we’re serving notice here today: we’re coming.”

On Thursday, police and RCMP executed search warrants at six locations in southeast Edmonton.

Six people were arrested. As well, Canada-wide arrest warrants have also been issued for the man believed to be responsible for orchestrating the scheme — Maninder Singh Dhaliwal.

Police say the individuals identified represent the core members of the criminal network.

A total of 54 charges have been laid against Dhaliwal and the six others, including extortion, arson, intentionally discharging a firearm, break and enter, assault with a weapon, and charges linked to committing a crime for a criminal organization.

A TV screen displays the face of a man. A bald man in Edmonton police uniform stands before a podium. Two other men stand to his side, one in an RCMP uniform and one in a grey suit. Edmonton Police Service emblems can be seen on a backdrop.
EPS Chief Dale McFee, RCMP Supt. Adam MacIntosh, and EPS acting Insp. Dave Paton provided an update on Project Gaslight to reporters on Friday morning. (Stephen Cook/CBC)

Acting Insp. Dave Paton from the organized crime branch said young adults are being recruited and paid to commit the crimes. Those arrested Thursday range in age from 17 to 21.

Paton asked parents from the South Asian community to speak to their children.

“This person is actively recruiting people,” he told reporters.

“With respect to those individuals that are being recruited, it’s important for them to know that they’re patsies for this individual. And make no mistake, this person will abandon them when the time comes.”

Paton said there is a “strong likelihood that more people will be charged as this investigation continues.”

In January, police said they had arrested and charged six young men and a youth in connection with the extortion series.

Investigators have said multiple houses went up in flames after local South Asian business owners received WhatsApp messages demanding large amounts of money. 

Those previously charged include Arjun Sahnan, 19, who is alleged to have committed three drive-by shootings in three municipalities last December.

It was believed Sahnan had fled the country. Police said Thursday they had no update on his status.

At the time, police had identified 34 incidents related to the extortion series. Of the total 40 incidents now identified, charges have now been laid in relation to 26, police said.

Anyone with information about Dhaliwal’s whereabouts, or who has been a victim, is asked to contact police.

Similar operations in Ontario and B.C. are not believed to be connected, police said, although Dhaliwal is thought to be affiliated with the Brothers Keepers gang out of the Lower Mainland.

RCMP have established a national task force to help co-ordinate investigations of extortion schemes.

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