Lethbridge motel murder suspect appears in court

One of three suspects in a Boxing Day murder at a Lethbridge motel appeared in court Wednesday.
Thirty-six-year-old Kyle Douglas Doddridge is charged with first-degree murder and arson.
The body of 34-year-old Christina Webber was found in Lethbridge’s Superlodge Motel on Dec. 28.
Police say two men and a woman who knew the victim entered the room and Webber was shot to death.
Police say the killers then fled in an SUV and later set it on fire.
Doddridge, from Lethbridge, was arrested following a standoff .
Twenty-three-year-old Melissa Tidlund of Pincher Creek and 28-year-old Drew Waters of Cranbrook are also charged with first-degree murder and arson.
Doddridge opted to hire a different lawyer, so his case was set over until Jan. 16.
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